17 Nov 2020

The importance of in-company training

The substantial experience in the management of clinical trials which OPIS proves, ensures services set on the highest quality standards.

To achieve this goal, since its foundation in 1998, OPIS has decided to invest in Employee Training and therefore their expertise, striving for continuous improvement.

In order to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic working context, it is necessary to provide an annual training plan that aims at a balanced mix between hard skills training, namely technical training and soft skills training, which includes all the transversal skills necessary to carrying out daily activities such as: problem solving, aptitude for team work, public speaking, etc.

By investing heavily in the professional growth of one’s own team, aiming for greater strategic and successful competitiveness becomes possible.

What does investing in Employee Training really mean?

Initially, it means providing one’s own resources with the motivation and the knowledge aimed to let them carry out their activities in the best possible way, facilitating the development of new talents and the acquisition of increasingly specialized and cutting-edge skills in the specific frame of reference. Secondly, it makes the company up to the task to offer an ever-increasing quality regarding the services offered.

As for 2020, the Company has organized and planned a total of 8,989 hours of training and refresher courses for all its 220 resources. Thanks to its organization, following the Covid emergency, the Company has been able to guarantee the planned updating activities by organizing online courses and webinars.

From a technical point of view related to the world of clinical research, main training topics are the following: ICH-GCP, Pharmacovigilance, Authorization process, Clinical Research Methodology, GMP, Management of Observational Studies, Management of Interventional Studies, Management of Studies with Medical Device, Data Integrity, Computer System Validation, Programming languages for the team of developers and programmers, Medical training and much more.

However, the growth of resources is not only linked to the consolidation of technical skills but also to the development of soft skills, with particular attention to the management team and the enhancing of proficiency, organizational abilities and team appraisal.

OPIS also ensures a two-week induction plan for newly hired resources divided into self-training, read & understood, e-learning and training on the job.

These are just some of the courses chosen by OPIS for its resources, in order to allow all its staff to be steadily more motivated, supporting the Company in responding to changes and adapting to a constantly evolving and increasingly competitive market.

“A day in which you learn something isn’t a complete loss.” David Eddings, Pawn of Prophecy.

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